SFFS779 December 2024 TMS320F28P550SJ
Each CPU subsystem has a pair of diverse processing units (C28 and CLA) with different architectures and instruction sets. This enables one processing unit to handle the time-critical portion code (control CPU) and the other processing unit (supervisor CPU) to execute the noncritical portion of the code. Perform diagnostic functions and supervise execution of the control CPU as indicated in Reciprocal Comparison Implementation.
In case of identification of a fault during diagnostic functions of the supervisor CPU, the supervisor CPU causes the MCU to move to a safe state. The concept, reciprocal comparison by software in separate processing units, acts as a 1oo1D structure, providing high diagnostic coverage for the processing units as per ISO26262-5, Table D.4. The comparison must be performed several times during an FTTI. Reciprocal comparison is a software diagnostic feature and hence care must be taken to avoid common-mode failures. The final attained coverage depends on the quality of comparison (determined by extent and frequency of cross checking). The proposed cross-checking mechanism allows for hardware and software diversity since different processors, with different instruction sets and compilers, are used for enabling this mechanism. The diversity is further increased by having separate algorithms executed in both cores. In case failure is identified during reciprocal comparison, NMI can be triggered by software and then assert ERRORSTS.