SFFS876 April   2024 SN74AVC4T774-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
    1. 2.1 TSSOP Package
    2. 2.2 VQFN Package
    3. 2.3 UQFN Package
  5. 3Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
  6. 4Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

This section provides a failure mode analysis (FMA) for the pins of the SN74AVC4T774-Q1 (TSSOP and VQFN packages). The failure modes covered in this document include the typical pin-by-pin failure scenarios:

Table 4-2 through Table 4-6 also indicate how these pin conditions can affect the device as per the failure effects classification in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 TI Classification of Failure Effects
ClassFailure Effects
APotential device damage that affects functionality
BNo device damage, but loss of functionality
CNo device damage, but performance degradation
DNo device damage, no impact to functionality or performance

Figure 4-1, Figure 4-2, and Figure 4-3 show the SN74AVC4T774-Q1 pin diagrams for the TSSOP, VQFN, and UQFN packages. For a detailed description of the device pins, see the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the SN74AVC4T774-Q1 data sheet.

GUID-D5BDAEEB-6A3A-4839-8CC8-4F5AF422C2B5-low.gifFigure 4-1 Pin Diagram (TSSOP) Package
GUID-31DAD117-7E49-45A9-A311-4DA582AB8D02-low.gifFigure 4-2 Pin Diagram (VQFN Package)
GUID-6A30D787-61F5-4C3F-A0E3-6583E577688C-low.svgFigure 4-3 Pin Diagram (UQFN Package)
Table 4-2 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Ground
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
DIR11Direction control will fix B --> A directionB
A13If configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as input, no damage, but output will not switchA
DIR37Direction control will fix B --> A directionB
ŌĒ9All outputs will be active, device cannot be disabledB
GND10Normal operationD
B411If configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as an input, no damage occurs, but output will not switchA
VCCB15GND short to VCC, device will be bypassed; may cause system damage, but no damage to the device.B
Table 4-3 Pin FMA for Device Pins Open-Circuited
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure Effect(s)Failure Effect Class
VCCA16GND short to VCC, device will be bypassed; can cause system damage, but not device damageB
GND10Device will not be poweredB
A3-6If configured as output, normal operation. If configured as input, pin is floating which could cause excessive currentA
B11-14If configured as output, normal operation. If configured as input, pin is floating which could cause excessive current.A
DIR1-2 7-8Pin is floating which can cause excessive currentA
VCCB15GND short to VCC, device will be bypassed; can cause system damage, but no damage to the device.B
Table 4-4 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin
Pin NamePin No.Shorted toDescription of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
DIR11DIR2If both HIGH, direction control will fix A --> B direction. If both LOW, direction control will fix B --> A direction. If one DIR is HIGH and the other is LOW, bus contention during transitions can occur and may cause high currentA
DIR22A1If DIR2 is LOW, A2 will be an output and damage is possible. If DIR3 is HIGH, A2 will be an input and drive the output B2 LOWA
A13A2If A(n) and A(n+1) are configured as outputs then damage is possible. If configured as inputs, both bits will always have the same valueA
A46DIR3If DIR3 is LOW, A3 will be an output and damage is possible. If DIR3 is HIGH, A3 will be an input and drive the output B3 LOWA
DIR37DIR4If both HIGH, direction control will fix A --> B direction. If both LOW, direction control will fix B --> A direction. If one DIR is HIGH and the other is LOW, bus contention during transitions could occur and may cause high currentA
DIR48ŌĒIf ŌĒ is HIGH, I/Os will be placed in Hi-Z. If both DIR and ŌĒ are LOW, direction control will fix B --> A direction. If DIR is HIGH and the ŌĒ is LOW, direction control will fix A --> B direction.B
ŌĒ9GNDAll outputs will be active; device cannot be disabledB
GND10B4If B4 is configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as input, output A4 will be fixed LOWA
B411B3If B(n) and B(n+1) are configured as outputs then damage is possible. If configured as inputs, both bits will always have the same value.A
B114VCCBIf B1 is configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as input, no damage, but output A1 will remain high.A
VCCB15VCCAGND short to VCC, device will be bypassed; may cause system damage, but not device damageB
VCCA16DIR1Direction control will fix A --> B directionB
Table 4-5 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to VCCA
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure Effect(s)Failure Effect Class
VCCA16Normal operationD
GND10GND short to VCC, device will be bypassed; may cause system damage, but not device damageB
A3-6If configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as input, no damage, but output will not switchA
B11-14If configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as input, damage is possible if VIH/VIL is not metA
DIR1-2, 7-8Direction control will fix A --> B directionB
ŌĒ9I/Os will be placed in Hi-ZB
VCCB15VCCA short to VCCB, device will be bypassed; may cause system damage, but not device damageB
Table 4-6 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to VCCB
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure Effect(s)Failure Effect Class
VCCA16VCCA short to VCCB, device will be bypassed; can cause system damage, but not device damageB
GND10GND short to VCC, device will be bypassed; can cause system damage, but not device damageB
A3-6If configured as an output then damage is possible. If configured as input, damage is possible if VIH/VIL is not metA
B11-14If configured as an output, then damage is possible. If configured as an input, no damage occurs, but output will not switch.A
DIR1-2, 7-8If VCCB>VCCA, DIR will fix B --> A direction OR if VCCB < VCCA, input can be at an inappropriate logic level, which can cause damageB
ŌĒ9I/Os will be placed in Hi-ZB
VCCB15Normal operationD