SFFS889 July 2024 TMS320F2800132 , TMS320F2800133 , TMS320F2800135 , TMS320F2800137
The on-chip flash memory is supported by a single-error correction, double-error detection (SECDED) error-correcting code (ECC) diagnostic. In this SECDED scheme, an 8-bit code word is used to store the ECC of 64-bit data and the corresponding address. The ECC decoding logic at the flash bank output checks the correctness of memory content. ECC evaluation is done on every data and program read. The data and program interconnects that connect the CPU and flash memory is not protected by ECC. Detected, correctable errors can be corrected, or not corrected, depending on whether correction functionality is enabled. Single-bit address ECC errors are flagged as uncorrectable errors. Errors that cannot be corrected generate an NMI and the ERRORSTS pin is asserted. A count of the corrected errors (single-bit data errors) is monitored in the memory error registers and an interrupt is generated once the count exceeds the programmed threshold. The corrupted memory address of the last error location is also logged in the memory error registers.