MSP430F5xx and MSP430F6xx devices ship with a standard TI BSL. As the TI BSL programmed in Flash memory, the BSL can be reprogrammed and customized. A custom BSL can allow for the creation of custom communication interfaces, start-up sequences, and other possibilities.
This document describes the basics of the BSL memory and describes the TI standard BSL software, so that it can be reused in custom projects. This document also describes a small demonstration BSL that can be used on MSP430G2xx devices. An entry sequence starts the code update and allows the new user code to be sent and stored in flash. A one-byte feedback is provided to indicate status. TA0-based UART communication is used for entry sequence, data, and feedback.
The source code and the firmware image are available in the Custom MSP430 Bootloader package. Note that there is not always a single BSL version programmed for one specific device, and some BSL versions have been programmed for several devices. To obtain complete information which BSL version belong with which device, see Section 5 in the MSP430™ Flash Device Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide.
Project collateral and associated source discussed in this application report can be downloaded from the CUSTOM_BSL430 link at Bootloader (BSL) for MSP low-power microcontrollers.
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The BSL memory is a 2KB section of flash. The specific location of this flash is described in each device-specific data sheet. However, it is typically found between addresses 0x1000 and 0x17FF. Varying sections of this memory can also be protected. This protection is enabled by setting flags in the SYSBSLC register, which is described in the MSP430F5xx and MSP430x6xx Family User’s Guide.