SLAA453A january   2011  – may 2023


  1.   1
  2. 1MSP430™ USB HID Windows API Programmer's Guide
  3. 2Introduction
  4. 3Implementation
    1. 3.1 Overview
    2. 3.2 File Organization
    3. 3.3 System Requirements
    4. 3.4 MSP430 USB API Stacks
    5. 3.5 How Windows Maps Physical USB HID Devices to the Host Application
    6. 3.6 Locating a Specific HID Device/Interface on the System and Opening It
    7. 3.7 Sending/Receiving Data
    8. 3.8 Detecting the Dynamic Connection/Disconnection of HID Devices
  5. 4Function Call Reference
    1. 4.1 Device Connection Management and Initialization Calls
      1. 4.1.1 VOID HID_Init(struct strHidDevice* pstrHidDevice)
      2. 4.1.2 DWORD HID_GetSerNums(WORD vid, WORD pid, struct strTrackSerialNumbers *serialNumList)
      3. 4.1.3 DWORD HID_GetNumOfInterfaces(WORD vid, WORD pid, DWORD numSerNums)
      4. 4.1.4 BYTE HID_Open(struct strHidDevice* pstrHidDevice, WORD vid, WORD pid, DWORD deviceIndex, char serialNumber[SERNUM_LEN], DWORD totalDevNum, DWORD totalSerNum)
      5. 4.1.5 BYTE HID_Close(struct strHidDevice* pstrHidDevice)
      6. 4.1.6 BYTE HID_GetVersionNumber(struct strHidDevice* pstrHidDevice, USHORT * VersionNumber)
    2. 4.2 Sending/Receiving Data
      1. 4.2.1 BYTE HID_WriteFile(struct strHidDevice* pstrHidDevice, BYTE* buffer, DWORD bufferSize, DWORD* bytesSent)
      2. 4.2.2 BYTE HID_ReadFile(struct strHidDevice* pStrHidDevice, BYTE* buffer, DWORD bufferSize, DWORD* bytesReturned)
    3. 4.3 Plug and Play Management
      1. 4.3.1 BYTE HID_RegisterForDeviceNotification(HWND hWnd, HDEVNOTIFY* diNotifyHandle)
      2. 4.3.2 BYTE HID_UnregisterForDeviceNotification(HDEVNOTIFY* diNotifyHandle)
      3. 4.3.3 BOOL IsDeviceAffected(struct strHidDevice* pstrHidDevice)
  6. 5Demo Application
  7. 6MSP430 USB Tool Suite
  8.   HID Interface Data Structure: strHidDevice
  9.   Format of Reports on HID-Datapipe Devices
  10.   C References
  11.   C Revision History

DWORD HID_GetNumOfInterfaces(WORD vid, WORD pid, DWORD numSerNums)


Returns the number of HID interfaces that exist within each physical USB device identified by vid and pid. If no such devices are connected, the function returns zero.

numSerNums is the number of physical devices on the system associated with this VID/PID. This function accomplishes its goal by scanning the Windows HID device list (that is, the logical HID devices registered on the system), counting those associated with this VID/PID, and then dividing it by numSerNums. numSerNums can be found by calling HID_GetSerNums().

A single-interface HID device always causes the value 1 to be returned.


Table 4-5 Parameters for HID_GetNumOfInterfaces()
UINT vid16-bit vendor ID of the device to be found.
UINT pid16-bit product ID of the device to be found.
DWORD numSerNumsTotal number of connected physical devices with this VID/PID
returns0: If no USB devices with this VID/PID are attached.
non-0: The number of USB devices on the system with this VID/PID