SLAA638A august 2014 – may 2023 MSP430I2040 , MSP430I2041
Being part of metrology but not the metrology itself, the calibration parameter default values reading and manipulation functions are provided as source code in the application level. The user-defined default parameter is defined in “metrology-calibration-template.h” and “metrology-capacitor-compensation.h”.
The file “metrology-calibration-defaults.c” provides the source code level support for default values to be put into the flash. Unless the code is thoroughly understood, do not modify the code in this file.
ADC reading at the calibration temperature in 16 bits scale
ADC counts per 1° Celsius increment
Calibration temperature in 0.01° C unit
The phase correction between voltage and current channel due to hardware.
Power scaling factor
Voltage scaling factor
DC offset of voltage channel ADC
Square of estimated noise level on voltage channel ADC (so small to be noticeable, usually put 0).
Current scaling factor
DC offset of current channel ADC
Square of estimated noise level on voltage channel ADC (usually put 0), calculated as:
EMI filter capacitance in 1/64 µF unit, Maximum 1023 (15.984375 µF)
Putting value greater than 0x8000 results in no EMI filter compensation done.
Estimate wire resistance in 1/256 Ω unit, Maximum 255 (0.99609375 Ω)
Defines the name of the meter as reported by HOST_CMD_GET_METE_NAME and is defined as in the provided example code "MSP430I2040SUBMETEREVM.
Defines the software version of the meter as reported by HOST_CMD_GET_METE_VER.
Defines the Metrology library version of the meter as reported by HOST_CMD_GET_METE_VER.
Defines the Protocol version of the meter as reported by HOST_CMD_GET_METE_VER.