SLAA638A august 2014 – may 2023 MSP430I2040 , MSP430I2041
When the EVM is running, it waits for a command from the host through the serial port. When the command frame is received and passes frame checking, the EVM interprets the command and performs the requested action. The EVM communicates with the host using a data frame format as indicated in Figure 7-1.
The frame starts with a 9 bytes header followed by a data field of 0 to 255 byte then a check sum byte and a frame ending byte.
The header starts with 0x68, followed by an address field, which is fixed to 0x999999999999. The provided communication protocol source code can be modified (emeter-dlt645.c) to make the EVM respond to different address.
Followed by a fixed delimiter, 0x68 and 0x23 are the length bytes that indicate the number of bytes in the data field. The end of the frame is a check sum byte, which is a modulus 256 byte sum of each byte from the beginning of the header to the end of the data field followed by an end of frame marker 0x16.