The software package includes the following folders:
- Target: Target bootloader and demo applications.
- FR5969_UART, FR5969_CC1101, FR5994_UART,
FR5994_CC1101, FR2433_UART, FR2433_CC1101: Projects that support
the appropriate FRAM derivative with the communication specified.
project files.
- MSPBoot: CCS project files for the
- Config: CCS Linker files for the bootloader.
- App1_MSPBoot: CCS project files for
Application Example 1.
- Config: CCS Linker files for App1.
- App2_MSPBoot: CCS project files for
Application Example 2.
- Config: CCS Linker files for App2.
- Src:
Source code.
- MSPBoot: Source code for the bootloader.
- AppMgr: App Manager source code
- Comm: CI source code files.
- MI: MI source code files.
- App1: Source code for Application Example
- App2: Source code for Application Example
- Host: Host demo application.
- MSP-EXP430FR5969, MSP-EXP430FR5994,
MSP-EXP430FR2433: Host project that supports the corresponding
LaunchPad development kits (see Section 4.3.2).
- CCS: CCS project
- Src: Source code.
- TargetApps: Converted target application examples.
- 430txt_converter: Scripts and applications used to convert CCS output files to host TargetApps. See Section 4.3.2 for details.
- linkerGen: Creates custom command linker file for the specific device derivative. See Section 4.3.3 for details.