SLAA877 December 2018 MSP430FR2633
How a user interacts with the interface is driven by the software that creates a sensor's behavior. At a fundamental level, determining a finger touch or position is performed by the sensor's basic detection software or library driver. Tracking and processing how long a finger touches, how far the finger moves, and looking for one or more specific patterns requires a software algorithm that, in this context, is referred to as a gesture algorithm. The gesture software algorithms create new sensor interface behaviors described as tap, double tap, tap-hold, swipe, and slide.
This application note, along with the Gesture-Based Capacitive Touch Speaker Interface (TIDM-02004) reference design, provide a introduction intoduction into gesturing software, how it can be incorporated into new product designs, and demonstrate a real-world gesturing application that controls a Windows® Media Player using the CAPT-MSP-FR2633 CapTIvate™ Capacitive Touch development kit.
References to the MSP430FR2633 MCU, MSP-CAPT-FR2633 development kit,CapTIvate Design Center, CapTIvate Technology Guide, and TIDM-02004 reference design are made throughout this document. Follow these links for more information related to these topics.