SLAAE59 may   2023 AFE539A4


  1.   Design Goals
  2.   Design Description
  3.   Design Notes
  4.   Testing Results
    1.     Measured Design Characteristics
  5.   Register Settings
  6.   Pseudo Code Example
  7.   Design Featured Devices
  8.   Design References

Pseudo Code Example

Pseudo Code Example for Voltage Output Configuration

//Stop the state machine.  
//Enable all AFE channels 
//Select the desired voltage reference, output range, and comparator    settings for each AFE. Channels 0, 2, and 3 are configured as comparators. 
//set AFE 0...
WRITE DAC-0-VOUT-CMP-CONFIG(0x03), 0x14, 0x05
//set AFE 1...
WRITE DAC-1-VOUT-CMP-CONFIG(0x09), 0x80, 0x00
//set AFE 2...
WRITE DAC-2-VOUT-CMP-CONFIG(0x0F), 0x04, 0x03
//set AFE 3...
WRITE DAC-3-VOUT-CMP-CONFIG(0x15), 0x14, 0x05
//Calculate the voltage range for AFE1 using the equation in the data sheet, and configure the minimum and maximum output.
//Using a maximum of 1.6V
WRITE SRAM-DATA-32(0x20), 0xE1, 0xC0
//Using a minimum of 0.8V.
WRITE SRAM-DATA-33(0x21), 0x70, 0xC0//Set the configuration parameters LOOP-POLARITY, ADC0-MODE, CMP2-THRESHOLD, and SAFEOUTPUT as appropriate for the system
//Loop polarity, ADC0 mode, and Safe-output can be configured in SRAM-DATA-39
WRITE SRAM-DATA-34(0x22), 0x02, 0xDA
//CMP_2 Threshold is configured in SRAM_DATA_36
WRITE SRAM-DATA-36(0x23), 0x80, 0x00 
//Program the initial values of KP and KI
//Note a higher KP is bad for systems with a fast response.
WRITE SRAM-DATA-35(0x24), 0x00, 0x01
//Note a higher KI can mean worse steady state response; KI can be disabled if set to 0
WRITE SRAM-DATA-38(0x25), 0x00, 0x00
//Calculate a desired common mode value using the 
WRITE SRAM-DATA-37(0x26), 0x02, 0xFF
//Set the loop polarity, ADC impedance, and safe output value
WRITE SRAM-DATA-39(0x20), 0x00, 0x02 
//Start the state machine
//Tune the KI and KP values to achieve the best steady-state and transient response.
WRITE SRAM-DATA-35(0x24), 0x80, 0x00
WRITE SRAM-DATA-38(0x25), 0x00, 0x0F
//Store the register settings
WRITE COMMON-TRIGGER(0x20) 0x00, 0x02