SLAAE65 October   2022 DS160PR412 , DS160PR421 , TMUXHS4412


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2When Redriver or Passive MUX is Needed?
    1. 2.1 When to use a Redriver
    2. 2.2 When to use a Multiplexer
  5. 3Test Setup and Procedure
    1. 3.1 Test Board Configuration
    2. 3.2 Test Setup
    3. 3.3 Test Procedure
    4. 3.4 Test Report
      1. 3.4.1 Test Summary
  6. 4Summary

When Redriver or Passive MUX is Needed?

Computer systems continue to become more and more complex. There are many components on the desktop or laptop motherboard. As a system designer, finding the right components for designs can be difficult. Understanding when and where to use multiplexers and redrivers in designs is very important.