SLAAED8 October 2024 TAC5111 , TAC5112 , TAC5211 , TAC5212 , TAC5412-Q1 , TAD5112 , TAD5212
# Key: w a0 XX YY ==> write to I2C address 0xa0, to register 0xXX, data 0xYY
# # ==> comment delimiter
#The following list gives an example sequence of items that must be #executed in the time between powering the device up and reading data #from the device. Note that there are other valid sequences depending #on which features are used.
#See the corresponding EVM user guide for jumper settings and audio #connections.
# Line-Out Fully-Differential 2-channel : OUT1P_M- Ch1, OUT2P_M- Ch2.
# FSYNC = 48 kHz (Output Data Sample Rate), BCLK = 12.288 MHz (BCLK/FSYNC = 256) ###################################################################
#ADSR Example Script
#ALL ADSR parameters demonstrated on SG2 CPM
#Note: CPM mode does not require ADSR enable script, only acknowledgement #script.
w a0 00 00 #locate page x00
w a0 01 01 # device reset
w a0 00 00 # locate page 0x00
w a0 02 09 # come out of sleep mode with VREF and DREG up
w a0 00 01 # locate page 0x01
w a0 2d 04 # enable chirp only
w a0 00 17 # locate page 0x17
w a0 7c 14 f1 a6 c6 # 10kHz chirp start frequency
w a0 00 18 #locate page 0x18
w a0 08 00 00 00 00 # chirp delta frequency of 0 Hz
w a0 00 1c # locate page 0x1c
w a0 40 00 00 00 00 # adsr_note
#restart timer
w a0 50 00 00 bb 80 #48k samples for 1s
#sustain timer
w a0 54 00 00 5d c0 #24000 samples at 500ms
#attack timer
w a0 58 00 03 69 cd # 100ms
#release timer
w a0 5c ff fe 4b 18 #200ms @ k = 1.04167e-4. Use full-scale susatin level #to achieve accurate reading.
#sustian level
w a0 64 33 33 33 33 # sustain lvl at k=0.8
#decay timer
w a0 60 ff f2 58 e3 #5ms
#channel selection
w a0 00 11 #locate page 0x11
w a0 70 40 00 40 00 # Please refer the table to set volumes #accrodingly
w a0 74 40 00 40 00 # Please refer the table to set volumes #accordingly
w a0 00 00 # locate page 0x00
w a0 76 0c # enable 2 DAC channels
w a0 78 40 # enable DAC