SLAAEE9 November 2023
With every LCD, documentation is provided as to the mapping of LCD to different COMx and SEGy lines. A pair of segment lines is combined with four COMx lines to generate one numeric or alphabetic (English) character. Special symbols are given specific COMx + SEGy crosses, or utilized in the spare cross from the typical character mapping. An example of an LCD map can be seen in Figure 1-2.
From a software perspective, a character needs to be translated from the LCD map, to a numerical representation that can be utilized to determine which segments, and thus pins, needs to be turned on or off at each COMx stage. This translation would need to be done for each character one would want to display, and for each special symbol on the LCD. For this solution, perform the following steps to do a translation:
Figure 1-3 walks through an example of this translation with the character “4”. This translation will be stored in a lookup table described in Table 3-1.