SLAAEE9 November   2023


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Glass Segment LCD Basics
    1. 1.1 Driving a Segment LCD
    2. 1.2 LCD Mapping
  5. 2Hardware
    1. 2.1 Choosing Pins to Connect to LCD Module
  6. 3Software Implementation
    1. 3.1 Customizing the Software LCD Code
    2. 3.2 Software Flow
    3. 3.3 Integrating Software LCD Solution Within an Application
  7. 4Additional Resources


Segment LCDs are commonly referenced to how many segments it is capable of displaying, following by the arrangement of COM by SEGMENT pins. For example, a 96-segment LCD could be in an arrangement of 4 x 24 or 3 x 32, COM pins by SEGMENT pins.

From a connection standpoint, you would connect the Segment LCD module to the MSPM0 as described in Figure 2-1. External resistors, configured as a voltage divider at half supply, are needed for the COMx lines in order to bias the voltage to a “neutral” state when inactive. The exact biasing needed can vary from different LCD manufacturers.

GUID-20231025-SS0I-H8XW-XQ5T-DKNHFNWLC9TC-low.svg Figure 2-1 MSPM0 to Segment LCD Connections