SLASEK6 October 2017 MSP432E411Y
Intel mode can be configured to perform asynchronous operations or synchronous operations. When configured in asynchronous mode, LCDMCLK is not required, so it performs the CS1 function. When configured in synchronous mode, MCLK is available externally through the signal LCDMCLK. In asynchronous mode, the internal MCLK shown represents the internal clock that sequences the other signals. All of the parameter values associated with the following figures can be found in Table 5-56 and Table 5-57.
The acronyms WRSU, WRDUR, WRHOLD, GAP, RDHOLD, RDSU, and RDDUR in Figure 5-55, Figure 5-56, and Figure 5-57 correspond to the bit fields of the LIDDCS0CFG register described in Section