SLASF03 December 2021 DAC11001B
The DAC11001B incorporates two internal POR circuits for the DVDD, AVDD, IOVDD, VCC, and VSS supplies. The POR signals are ANDed together, so that all supplies must be at the minimum specified values for the device to not be in a reset condition. These POR circuits initialize internal registers, as well as set the analog outputs to a known state, all while the device supplies are ramping. All registers are reset to default values. The DAC11001B powers on with the DAC registers set to zero scale. The DAC output can be powered down by writing 1 to PDN (bit 4, address 02h). Typically, the POR function can be ignored as long as the device supplies power up and maintain the specified minimum voltage levels. However, a supply drop or brownout can trigger an internal POR reset event. Figure 7-2 represents the internal POR threshold levels for the DVDD, AVDD, IOVDD, VCC, and VSS supplies.
For the DVDD supply, no internal POR occurs for nominal supply operation from 2.7 V (supply minimum) to 5.5 V (supply maximum). For a DVDD supply region between 2.5 V (undefined operation threshold) and 1.6 V (POR threshold), the internal POR circuit may or may not provide a reset over all temperature conditions. For a DVDD supply less than 1.6 V (POR threshold), the internal POR resets as long as the supply voltage is less than 1.6 V for approximately 1 ms.
For the AVDD supply, no internal POR occurs for nominal supply operation from 4.5 V (supply minimum) to 5.5 V (supply maximum). For an AVDD supply region between 4.1 V (undefined operation threshold) and 3.3 V (POR threshold), the internal POR circuit may or may not provide a reset over all temperature conditions. For an AVDD supply less than 3.3 V (POR threshold), the internal POR resets as long as the supply voltage is less than 3.3 V for approximately 1 ms.
For the VCC supply, no internal POR occurs for nominal supply operation from 8 V (supply minimum) to 36 V (supply maximum). For VCC supply voltages between 7.5 V (undefined operation threshold) to 6 V (POR threshold), the internal POR circuit may or may not provide a reset over all temperature conditions. For a VCC supply less than 6 V (POR threshold), the internal POR resets as long as the supply voltage is less than 6 V for approximately 1 ms.
For the VSS supply, no internal POR occurs for nominal supply operation from –3 V (supply minimum) to –18 V (supply maximum). For VSS supply voltages between –2.7 V (undefined operation threshold) to –1.8 V (POR threshold), the internal POR circuit may or may not provide a reset over all temperature conditions. For a VSS supply greater than –1.8 V (POR threshold), the internal POR resets as long as the supply voltage is greater than –1.8 V for approximately 1 ms.
For the IOVDD supply, no internal POR occurs for nominal supply operation from 1.8 V (supply minimum) to 5.5 V (supply maximum). For IOVDD supply voltages between 1.5 V (undefined operation threshold) and 0.8 V (POR threshold), the internal POR circuit may or may not provide a reset over all temperature conditions. For an IOVDD supply less than 0.8 V (POR threshold), the internal POR resets as long as the supply voltage is less than 0.8 V for approximately 1 ms.
In case the DVDD, AVDD, IOVDD, VCC, or VSS supply drops to a level where the internal POR signal is indeterminate, power cycle the device followed by a software reset.