SLASF96 April 2024 AFE20408
The AFE20408 continuously monitors the internal die temperature. The device includes a thermal error alarm bit (THERMERR_ALR) that is set when the die temperature exceeds 150°C. A thermal error alarm can be configured to set the ALARMOUT pin, as well as configures all DAC outputs into the power-down state. If a power-down event occurs due to a thermal alarm, the DAC outputs remain in power-down mode even after the device temperature lowers below 150°C. To resume normal operation, the thermal error alarm must be cleared while the DAC channels are in power-down mode. Apart from the thermal error alarm, the device also features a temperature alarm with a configurable threshold (written to the TMP_UP_THRESH register in the ADC Configuration register page). The TMP_ALR bit, located in the ALARM_STATUS_0 global register, is set when the temperature exceeds the threshold, and can be configured to set the ALARMOUT pin or trigger DAC power-down events.