SLAU131V October   2004  â€“ February 2020


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Miscellaneous Directives

These directives enable miscellaneous functions or features:

  • The .asmfunc and .endasmfunc directives mark function boundaries. These directives are used with the compiler --symdebug:dwarf (-g) option to generate debug information for assembly functions.
  • The .cdecls directive enables programmers in mixed assembly and C/C++ environments to share C headers containing declarations and prototypes between C and assembly code.
  • The .end directive terminates assembly. If you use the .end directive, it should be the last source statement of a program. This directive has the same effect as an end-of-file character.
  • The .group, .gmember, and .endgroup directives define an ELF group section to be shared by several sections.
  • The .newblock directive resets local labels. Local labels are symbols of the form $n, where n is a decimal digit, or of the form NAME?, where you specify NAME. They are defined when they appear in the label field. Local labels are temporary labels that can be used as operands for jump instructions. The .newblock directive limits the scope of local labels by resetting them after they are used. See Section 4.8.3 for information on local labels.

These three directives enable you to define your own error and warning messages:

  • The .emsg directive sends error messages to the standard output device. The .emsg directive generates errors in the same manner as the assembler, incrementing the error count and preventing the assembler from producing an object file.
  • The .mmsg directive sends assembly-time messages to the standard output device. The .mmsg directive functions in the same manner as the .emsg and .wmsg directives but does not set the error count or the warning count. It does not affect the creation of the object file.
  • The .wmsg directive sends warning messages to the standard output device. The .wmsg directive functions in the same manner as the .emsg directive but increments the warning count rather than the error count. It does not affect the creation of the object file.

For more information about using the error and warning directives in macros, see Section 6.7.