SLAU278AH May 2009 – March 2021
Current detection algorithm of the UIF firmware
If high current is detected, the ICC monitor algorithm stays in a loop of frequently switching on and off the target power supply. This power switching puts some MSP430 devices such as the MSP430F5438 in a state that requires a power cycle to return the device to JTAG control.
A side issue is that if the UIF firmware has entered this switch on and switch off loop, it is not possible to turn off the power supply to the target by calling MSP430_VCC(0). A power cycle is required to remove the device from this state.
IAR KickStart and Code Composer Essentials that have the MSP430.dll version and higher do not show this problem. Update the software development tool to this version or higher to update the MSP-FET430UIF firmware.