SLAU318G July 2010 – March 2016
The primary sources of information on MSP430 MCUs are the device-specific data sheets and the family user's guides. The most up-to-date versions of those documents can be found at the TI MSP430 landing page.
For more information on CCS and IAR, download the latest version from and read the included user's guides and documentation in the installation folder. Documents describing the IAR tools (Workbench/C-SPY, the assembler, the C compiler, the linker, and the library) are located in common\doc and 430\doc. All necessary CCS documents can be found in the msp430\doc folder in the CCS installation path. The FET user's guide also includes detailed information on how to set up a project for the MSP430 MCUs using IAR or CCS, and it is included in most of the IDE releases and on the TI MSP430 MCU website.