The MSP430™ bootloader (BSL) (formerly known as the bootstrap loader) allows users to communicate with embedded memory in the MSP430 microcontroller (MCU) during the prototyping phase, final production, and in service. Both the programmable memory (flash memory) and the data memory (RAM) can be modified as required. Do not confuse the bootloader with the bootstrap loader programs found in some digital signal processors (DSPs) that automatically load program code (and data) from external memory to the internal memory of the DSP.
To use the bootloader, a specific BSL entry sequence must be applied. An added sequence of commands initiates the desired function. A bootloading session can be exited by continuing operation at a defined user program address or by the reset condition.
If the device is secured by disabling JTAG, it is still possible to use the BSL. Access to the MSP430 MCU memory through the BSL is protected against misuse by the BSL password. The BSL password is equal to the content of the interrupt vector table on the device.
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The bootloader provides a method to program the flash memory during MSP430 project development and updates. It can be activated by a utility that sends commands using the UART protocol. The BSL enables the user to control the activity of the MSP430 MCU and to exchange data using a personal computer or other device.
To avoid accidental overwriting of the BSL code, this code is stored in a secure memory location, either ROM or specially protected flash. To prevent unwanted source readout, any BSL command that directly or indirectly allows data reading is password protected.
To invoke the bootloader, a BSL entry sequence must be applied to dedicated pins. After that, a synchronization character, followed by the data frame of a specific command, initiates the desired function.
As a compliment to this document, visit Bootloader (BSL) for MSP low-power microcontrollers. This page contains links to additional BSL user's guides, source code, firmware images, and the BSL scripter with documentation and code examples.
Additional support is provided by the TI E2E™ support forums.