SLAU320AJ July 2010 – May 2021
This instruction enables setting of the MSP430 MDB to a specific value shifted in with the next 16-bit JTAG data access. The 16-bit MSP430 MDB is set to the value written to the JTAG MDB register. During the 16-bit data transfer, the previous MDB value is captured and shifted out on TDO. The MAB value is set by the program counter (PC) of the CPU. This instruction auto-increments the program counter by two on every falling edge of TCLK to automatically point to the next 16-bit memory location. The program counter of the target CPU must be loaded with the starting memory address before execution of this instruction, which can be used to quickly read or write to a memory array (see Section for more information on setting the PC).
IR_DATA_QUICK cannot be used to write flash memory.
IR_DATA_QUICK cannot be used to read or write USB RAM as this is dual ported RAM. It needs to be accessed word by word.