2.2.9 Isolation Jumper Block: Emulator Connection and Application UART
MSP430F5xx devices support both standard four-wire JTAG and the two-wire Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW) standard. The eZ-FET lite emulator on the F5529 LaunchPad development kit supports SBW only. These two signals travel through jumpers in the isolation block, and can be disconnected if desired. They are labeled on the block as "SBW RST" and "SBW TEST".
The backchannel UART consists of four signals: the data signals TXD and RXD, and the hardware flow control signals RTS and CTS. All four of these signals travel through the jumper block as well and can be disconnected.
Reasons to open these connections:
- When measuring current consumption, devices attached to I/O pins can consume power, influencing the measurement. Removing the jumpers prevents this.
- The backchannel UART pins can be configured for other functionality instead of the backchannel UART. If this is desired, it might be good to remove these jumpers, so that the emulator is not affected by any activity that your application presents on these signals. If only two general I/Os are needed and if hardware flow control is not needed, you might choose to remove only the hardware flow control (RTS and CTS) jumpers and leave the TXD and RXD jumpers in place.
- If you want to use the onboard eZ-FET lite emulator with a different target, you can remove the jumpers and connect your target hardware to the jumper block.