When AES DMA Mode is enabled, the AES_IRQENABLE register should be cleared. To enable the µDMA to transfer data follow these steps:
- When the AES module has been initialized, enable the AES module µDMA channels by programming the DMA Channel Map Select n (DMACHMAPn) register in the µDMA module. Further µDMA configuration guidelines are available in the Section 8.
- Configure the dma_done interrupts by programming the AES DMA Masked Interrupt Status (AES_DMAMIS) register, at CCM offset 0x028.
- Enable the µDMA channels in the AES by programming the µDMA enable bits in the AES System Configuration (AES_SYSCONFIG) register, offset 0x084.
- The input buffer registers, AES_DATA_IN_n, at offsets 0x060 to 0x06C, are loaded.