23.4.1 Enhanced Mode Configuration
If the QSSI module supports the advanced, bi, and quad features, then these modes can be enabled after initializing the QSSI module. The following is an example of configuring the QSSI to transmit two data bytes in advanced SSI mode, followed by 2 bytes in bi-SSI mode:
- Set the MODE bit to 0x3, and the FSSHLDFM bit to 1 in the SSICR1 register. To operate in the master mode, program the MS bit to 0. Program the remaining bits in the SSICR0 and SSICR1 register to relevant values.
- Write one data byte to the TX FIFO; set the EOM bit to 1 and write the second data byte to the Tx FIFO.
- Set the MODE bit to 0x1 and the FSSHLDFM bit to 1 in the SSICR1 register. To operate in the master mode, program the MS bit to 0. Program the remaining bits in the SSICR0 and SSICR1 register to relevant values.
- Fill the Tx FIFO with one data byte.
- Set the EOM bit in the SSICR1 register.
- Fill the Tx FIFO with one data byte.