Chip Select Extended Configuration.
This field is used in conjunction with CSCFG, to extend the chip select options, and ALE format. The values 0x0 through 0x3 are from the CSCFG field. The CSCFGEXT bit extends the values to 0x7.
0x0 = CSCFG bit field is used in chip select configuration.
0x1 = The CSCFG bit field is extended with CSCFGEXT representing the MSB.
The possible chip select configurations (CSCFGEXT + CSCFG encodings) when the CSCFGEXT bit is enabled are:
0x0 = ALE Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as an address latch (ALE). The ALE signal is generally used when the address and data are muxed (MODE field in the EPIHB16CFG register is 0x0). The ALE signal is used by an external latch to hold the address through the bus cycle.
0x1 = CSn Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as a Chip Select (CSn). When using this mode, the address and data are generally not muxed (MODE field in the EPIHB16CFG register is 0x1). However, if address and data muxing is needed, the WR signal (EPI0S29) and the RD signal (EPI0S28) can be used to latch the address when CSn is low.
0x2 = Dual CSn Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as CS0n and EPI0S27 is used as CS1n. Whether CS0n or CS1n is asserted is determined by the most significant address bit for a respective external address map. This configuration can be used for a RAM bank split between 2 devices as well as when using both an external RAM and an external peripheral.
0x3 = ALE with Dual CSn Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as address latch (ALE), EPI0S27 is used as CS1n, and EPI0S26 is used as CS0n. Whether CS0n or CS1n is asserted is determined by the most significant address bit for a respective external address map.
0x4 = ALE with Single CSn Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as address latch (ALE) and EPI0S27 is used as CSn.
0x5 = Quad CSn Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as CS0n and EPI0S27 is used as CS1n. EPI0S34 is used as CS2n and EPI0S33 is used as CS3n.
0x6 = ALE with Quad CSn Configuration. EPI0S30 is used as ALE, EPI0S26 is CS0n, and EPI0S27 is used as CS1n. EPI0S34 is used as CS2n and EPI0S33 is used as CS3n.
0x7 = Reserved