SLAU789A November 2023 – November 2023
The TSW1418EVM has a single, industry-standard FMC connector that interfaces directly with TI non-JESD204B/C ADC EVMs using FMC connectors. When used with an ADC EVM, LVDS or CMOS data is captured and formatted by a Xilinx Artix® 7 XC7A100T field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The data is then stored into the FPGA internal memory, enabling the TSW1418EVM to store up to 64K 16-bit data samples. To acquire data on a host PC, the FPGA transmits the data on a high-speed, 8-bit parallel interface. An onboard USB-to-parallel converter bridges the FPGA interface to the host PC and GUI.
The major features of the TSW1418EVM are:
Figure 2-1 shows a block diagram of the TSW1418EVM.