SLAU846B June 2023 – November 2024 MSPM0G1105 , MSPM0G1106 , MSPM0G1107 , MSPM0G1505 , MSPM0G1506 , MSPM0G1507 , MSPM0G1519 , MSPM0G3105 , MSPM0G3105-Q1 , MSPM0G3106 , MSPM0G3106-Q1 , MSPM0G3107 , MSPM0G3107-Q1 , MSPM0G3505 , MSPM0G3505-Q1 , MSPM0G3506 , MSPM0G3506-Q1 , MSPM0G3507 , MSPM0G3507-Q1 , MSPM0G3519
The MCAN module can be set into internal loop back mode by programming MCAN_TEST.LBCK and MCAN_CCCR.MON bits to 1. The internal loop back mode is used for a Hot Self-test. The Hot Self-test allows the MCAN module to be tested without affecting a running CAN system connected to the TX and RX pins. In this mode, the RX pin is disconnected from the MCAN module and the TX pin is held recessive. Figure 21-12 shows the connection of the TX and RX pins to the MCAN module in internal loop back mode.