CapTIvate supports four communication modes based on UART and I2C: UART, BUCK_I2C, Register_I2C, and None. The default baud rate of UART is 250 kbps. The default address of I2C is 7-bit 0x0A, and
the maximum support speed is 400 kHz.
- None: Disable the communication module. Customers need to develop communication protocols to communicate with Host MCU by calling library functions. To save additional code space, choose
register-level code in MSPWare as a reference for development. When Noise Immunity is not enabled, the default project takes about 2.4k of code space. After noise immunity is enabled, 4.8k of code space is occupied.
- UART, BUCK_I2C: Communicates with CapTIvate Design Center through UART or I2C for adjustment of capacitive touch by the GUI. Supports richer communication protocols, and the bus transmits a large amount of low-level
information, which is generally used for online parameter adjustment. The UART communication module occupies approximately 1.5KB of code, and the BUCK_I2C communication occupies approximately 2KB of code.
- Register_I2C: Communicates with the host MCU through I2C for adjustment of capacitive touch parameters by the host MCU. Fewer debugging commands are supported, and code occupies approximately
1.4KB of code.
The intended process is that the user first selects the UART or BUCK_I2C communication mode to use the GUI to complete the parameter debugging, and then changes the communication mode to None, and
develops the protocol for the host computer communication by themselves.