SLAU893B October 2023 – July 2024 MSPM0C1103 , MSPM0C1103-Q1 , MSPM0C1104 , MSPM0C1104-Q1
In watchdog mode, the WWDT is configured to count up to the specified WWDT period. The WWDT counter must be restarted with the configured open window of the WWDT period, or the WWDT will assert a WWDT violation to SYSCTL and a reset will be generated.
The window watchdog timer supports detecting both a "too late" response as well as a "too early" response through the use of an optional closed window, as shown in Figure 16-1. The WWDT period consists of a closed window period and an open window period. The closed window period begins first, followed by the open window period. The WWDT can only be restarted during the open window period. An attempt to restart the WWDT during the closed window period results in a violation. Following the closed window, if the WWDT is not restarted before the end of the open window, the WWDT period expires and a violation is also generated.
If the closed window functionality is not desired, it can be disabled (set to 0%), giving traditional watchdog timer functionality where the WWDT can be reset any time before the WWDT period expires.