SLAU893B October 2023 – July 2024 MSPM0C1103 , MSPM0C1103-Q1 , MSPM0C1104 , MSPM0C1104-Q1
The fault control (FCTL) and fault source control (FSCTL) registers are used to select the polarity and enable various fault input sources as shown in Table 15-20.
To enable the final input for fault detection, set TIMA.FTCL.FIEN = 1.
There are four types of fault input sources that are available for synchronous or asynchronous fault detection:
Comparator (COMP) output
The comparator output is useful for fault detection when COMPs are used for detecting overcurrent or overvoltage events. To enable the comparator output for fault detection, set the TIMA.FSCTL.FACxEN bit, and configure the polarity to detect the fault using TIMA.FCTL.FSENACx bit (x = 0, 1, or 2 for COMP instance).
External Fault Pin
Many IC devices include a fault detection pin (i.e. nFAULT) that an MCU can detect when there is a fault condition in the system. There are 3 fault external signal pins (TIMA_FLTx) connected to every TIMA module, where x = 0, 1, or 2. Each signal pin can be enabled by setting the TIMA.FSCTL.FEXxEN bit, and the polarity of this signal to trigger a fault condition can be configured by using TIMA.FCTL.FSENEXTx bit (where x = 0, 1, or 2 for each TIMA_FLTx pin).
System Clock Fault
Any system clock fault can be used to trigger the PWM output(s) to a Hi-Z state. This can be enabled by setting the TIMA.FSCTL.FCEN bit.
When a SYSCLK fault occurs, a device reset is generated. Various TIMA fault entry and exit options are invalid while the device is in reset.
A trigger can be configured to generate a fault condition is detected. This is useful for performing diagnostics or creating fault dependencies from other peripherals in the event fabric. For trigger configuration, please see Section 15.2.7. The fault input mask can be enabled by setting the TIMA.FSCTL.TFIM bit.
Signal name | Input source | Fault type | Polarity Bit | Enable Bit |
COMP0_OUT | COMP0 output | Synchronous or Asynchronous | FSENAC0 | FAC0EN |
COMP1_OUT | COMP1 output | FSENAC1 | FAC1EN | |
COMP2_OUT | COMP2 output | FSENAC2 | FAC2EN | |
TIMA_FLT0 | External Fault 0 | FSENEXT0 | FSENEXT0 | |
TIMA_FLT1 | External Fault 1 | FSENEXT1 | FSENEXT1 | |
TIMA_FLT2 | External Fault 2 | FSENEXT2 | FSENEXT2 | |
SYSCLK | System Clock | Synchronous | - | FCEN |
TRIG | Trigger Output | - | TFIM |