The following steps are used to configure the main timer cross trigger (which is TIMGx in this example):
Configure the main timer (which triggers other secondary timers) for the desired function, such as PWM output generation or using compare mode, to trigger other peripherals. See Section 15.2.5 for how to configure for PWM generation.
- Select which cross trigger output needs to be generated. For example, in Figure 15-38, TIMGx cross trigger 1 can be used to trigger TIMAx and TIMGx cross trigger 0 can be used to trigger itself.
- Enable the cross trigger output function by setting TIMx.CTTRIGCTL.CTEN bit to 1.
- Choose how to trigger the start of these connected timers, which can be a software trigger or hardware trigger from a subscriber port, zero, load, or compare event.
- For a software event trigger, set the TIMx.CTTRIG.TRIG bit.
- For a hardware trigger event, select the source for the trigger using TIMx.CTTRIGCTL.EVTCTTRIGSEL and enable the hardware trigger by setting TIMx.CTTRIGCTL.EVTCTEN.
Figure 15-39 shows the connection logic and registers.