SLAU893B October 2023 – July 2024 MSPM0C1103 , MSPM0C1103-Q1 , MSPM0C1104 , MSPM0C1104-Q1
LFCLK provides a continuous 32kHz clock to a variety of peripherals on the device. After a BOOTRST, LFCLK is sourced by the internal 32kHz oscillator (LFOSC).
LFCLK is active in RUN, SLEEP, STOP, and STANDBY power modes. It is possible to disable both ULPCLK and LFCLK together to most peripherals in STANDBY mode to achieve the lowest possible STANDBY mode power consumption (STANDBY1). To do so, set the STOPCLKSTBY bit in the MCLKCFG register in SYSCTL before entering STANDBY. In this state, a few times are the only clocked peripherals.
LFCLK is a synchronized clock. All LFCLK edges are synchronized to the main system clocks (MCLK and ULPCLK), meaning that the registers of peripherals clocked by LFCLK can be read or written to at any time without any special handling.Peripherals can select LFCLK as their functional clock source through their respective CLKSEL mux. Not all peripherals support running from LFCLK. It is possible to run the main clock (MCLK) from LFCK, in which case the entire device runs at the LFCLK rate (32kHz).