SLAU893B October 2023 – July 2024 MSPM0C1103 , MSPM0C1103-Q1 , MSPM0C1104 , MSPM0C1104-Q1
Programmable pullup/pulldown resistors are provided on most digital IO types, and are connected to VDD/VSS, respectively. The 5V tolerant open drain digital IO does not provide a pullup resistor due to the open drain configuration.
To enable the pullup or pulldown resistor on a digital IO, set the PIPU or PIPD bit, respectively, in the corresponding PINCMx register. To disable the pullup or pulldown resistor, clear the corresponding bit.
The pullup/pulldown resistors can be enabled at any time, and their configuration is independent from the peripheral function configuration. It is possible to enable a pullup/pulldown resistor while changing the selected peripheral function.