SLAU948 October 2024 MSPM0G3507
Hall sensor calibration routine can also be performed from the GUI control Page using below widgets with the parameter tuning as mention in the previous section.
As described in the above section, Set the Hall Cal enable bit to 1, Configure the Hall Calibration Parameters, Set the Motor Speed as non zero value to start the Hall calibration. User can enable the continous read status button to monitor the Id Current reference and Feedback tracking and the updated Hall Angle Table values.
If there is lot of variation in the Id current feedback, tune the current loop Kp, Ki and increase the Cal Run time.
Calibrated Hall angle tables are populared into the Hall angle table for both forward and reverse directions in IQ27 P.U format (_IQ(1.0) P.U corresponds to 30 degrees). Once satisfactory Calibration routine is performed i.e Motor Spins smoothly in closed loop operation, user can store these calibrated angle values in the forwardHallIndexLUT & reverseHallIndexLUT defined in ISR.c. Upon MCU restart the values from these LUT’s are used by default for spinning the motor.