SLAZ174O October 2012 – May 2021 MSP430F2370
CPU Module
Erroneous setting of SCG0 after reset
The SCG0 bit in the CPU status register (SR) is set after any reset (PUC or POR) if bit #6 in the reset vector destination address is set. Setting SCG0 turns off the DCO dc generator when DCOCLK is not used for MCLK or SMCLK.
1) As the error only occurs after PUC or POR, it is sufficient to clear the SCG0 bit at the beginning of the program code; for example:
bic.w #SCG0, SR
2) Avoid using reset destination addresses where bit #6 is set. Allowed reset vector destination addresses are: xx0xh, xx1xh, xx2xh, xx3xh, xx8xh, xx9xh, xxAxh, xxBxh.