SLAZ182P October 2012 – May 2021 MSP430F248
USCI Module
Incorrect baud rate information during UART automatic baud rate detection mode
Erroneous behavior of the USCI_A can occur when configured in UART mode with automatic baud rate detection. After automatic baud rate measurement is complete, the UART updates UCAxBR0 and UCAxBR1. Under Oversampling mode (UCOS16=1), for baud rates that should result in UCAxBRx=0x0002, the UART incorrectly reports it as UCAxBRx=0x5555.
When break/synch is detected following the automatic baud rate detection, the flag UCBRK flag is set to 1. Check if UCAxBRx=0x5555 and correct it to 0x0002.