SLAZ241O October 2012 – May 2021 MSP430F4783
FLL Module
Unexpected behavior of bit XT20FF
If MCLK and/or SMCLK are configured to operate with the external crystal XT2 (SELMx=10b, and/or SELS=1), modification of the bit XT2OFF from 0 to 1 in register FLL_CTL1 thereafter should not turn off XT2. This feature is not functional and the following two conditions occur
1) XT2 is switched OFF, MCLK is set to DCO frequency and SMCLK is turned OFF
2) OFIFG bit in IFG1 register is set to 1
Oscillator Fault interrupt (OFIE bit in IE1 register) can be enabled. Follow the User's Guide instructions to use the NMI Interrupt Handler to check for OFIFG=1. Additionally check for XT2OFF=1 and clear this bit to re-enable XT2.