SLAZ367Q October 2012 – May 2021 MSP430FG4617
USCI Module
I2C Mode Multi-master transmitter issue
When configured for I2C master-transmitter mode, and used in a multi-master environment, the USCI module can cause unpredictable bus behavior if all of the following four conditions are true:
1 - Two masters are generating SCL
2 - The slave is stretching the SCL low phase of an ACK period while outputting NACK on SDA
3 - The slave drives ACK on SDA after the USCI has already released SCL, and then the SCL bus line gets released
4 - The transmit buffer has not been loaded before the other master continues communication by driving SCL low
The USCI will remain in the SCL high phase until the transmit buffer is written. After the transmit buffer has been written, the USCI will interfere with the current bus activity and may cause unpredictable bus behavior.
1 - Ensure that slave doesn't stretch the SCL low phase of an ACK period
2 - Ensure that the transmit buffer is loaded in time
3 - Do not use the multi-master transmitter mode