SLAZ531AA August 2014 – August 2021 MSP430FR6888
COMP Module
Comparator port output toggles when entering or leaving LPM3/LPM4
The comparator port pin output (CECTL1.CEOUT) erroneously toggles when device enters or leaves LPM3/LPM4 modes under the following conditions:
1) Comparator is disabled (CECTL1.CEON = 0)
2) Output polarity is enabled (CECTL1.CEOUTPOL = 1)
3) The port pin is configured to have CEOUT functionality.
For example, if the CEOUT pin is high when the device is in Active Mode, CEOUT pin becomes low when the device enters LPM3/LPM4 modes.
When the comparator is disabled, ensure at least one of the following:
1) Output inversion is disabled (CECTL.CEOUTPOL = 0)
2) Change pin configuration from CEOUT to GPIO with output low.