SLAZ733B February 2020 – August 2021 MSP430FR6007
ADC Module
ADC may stop converting when the extended sample mode is selected
The ADC may stop converting, if the extended sample mode is selected (ADC12CTL1.ADC12SHP = 0) and the interrupt flag will not be set.
The only way to recover the ADC conversion is to
1. Disable ADC12_B module (ADC12CTL0.ADC12ENC = 0 and ADC12CTL0.ADC12ON = 0)
2. Re-enable ADC12_B module (ADC12CTL0.ADC12ON = 1 and ADC12CTL0.ADC12ENC = 1)
3. Trigger the sample-and-hold source
Use the pulse sample mode (ADC12CTL1.ADC12SHP = 1).