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The AM64x and AM243x Sitara processor lines provide highly flexible, real-time, and low latency processing for a broad range of industrial applications. These processors come in an array of variants with up to two Arm® Cortex® -A53 cores and up to four Arm® Cortex® -R5F cores each. TI has multiple power management IC (PMIC) options to meet the complex power needs of each processor variant.
This application note reviews two variants of the LP8733xx and two variants of the TPS65218xx PMICs that power these Sitara processor lines. A selection guide outlines both a single-PMIC and dual-PMIC solution for the AM64x, and a single-PMIC solution for the AM243x. The application note also highlights the value each PMIC solution brings to the overall system and provides example power maps for each variant.