SLIS150M March 2014 – June 2024 DRV5013
The DRV5013 device is a chopper-stabilized Hall sensor with a digital latched output for magnetic sensing applications. The DRV5013 device can be powered with a supply voltage ranging from 2.5 V to 38 V, and continuously withstand –22 V reverse-battery conditions. The DRV5013 device does not operate when –22 V to 2.4 V is applied to the VCC pin (with respect to the GND pin). In addition, the device can withstand voltages up to 40 V for transient durations.
The field polarity is defined as follows: a south pole near the marked side of the package induces a positive magnetic flux density on the sensor, while a north pole near the marked side of the package induces a negative magnetic flux density on the sensor.
The output state is dependent on the magnetic flux density perpendicular to the package. A positive magnetic flux density greater than the operate point threshold, BOP, causes the output to pull low for the AD, AG, BC and FA device versions (release high for the inverted ND device version). A negative magnetic flux density less than the release point threshold, BRP, causes the output to release high for the AD, AG, BC and FA device versions (pull low for the inverted ND device version). Hysteresis is included in between the operate point and the release point to help prevent magnetic noise from accidentally tripping the output.
An external pullup resistor is required on the OUT pin. The OUT pin can be pulled up to VCC, or to a different voltage supply. This allows for easier interfacing with controller circuits.