The THVD8000 and THVD8010 are RS-485 Transceivers that use OOK modulation to transmit data over a power line by coupling the high frequency signal with either AC or DC power. However, the device cannot drive a power line with less than 375 Ω and cannot take the direct high voltage signal on its communication pins. This proves to be a significant barrier when trying to use this device to communicate power over 110 V AC outlet. This barrier is not insurmountable and this application note will detail the process on how to use the THVD8000/THVD8010 in an application that can transfer data over a 110 V AC outlet as well as give a general guideline for higher voltage AC or DC systems.
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This document will explore how to use the THVD8000/8010 in high voltage applications. First, the THVD8000/8010 basic use will be explained – as this information remains constant across use cases for these devices. Next an explanation of how the integration of a line driver, such as the THS6222, onto the differential bus pins of the THVD8000/8010 will allow the driving of power line loads less than 375 Ω. Then the high voltage interface and the power supply for the communication interface will be shown and what considerations need to be made for this system. Finally, an integrated view of the system with power sources shown as well as the base concept on how to use these ideas to interface with higher than 110 V / 220 V AC and high voltage DC applications with the THVD8000/8010.
Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 show two possible architectures for implementing RS-485 communication over low impedance - down to 1 Ω - power lines. Both architectures are independent of powerline voltage as long as the high voltage (HV) interface can isolate the communication lines from the direct power lines of the system.
Figure 1-1, details a block diagram using two separate THVD8000/THVD8010 devices; one device for transmitting data and the other for receiving data.
This implementation is recommended as it has the most favorable layout since the TX and RX path are inherently different due the line driver; however, with 2 transceivers the BOM cost will increase. Another drawback is that even with two separate transceivers the system still operates in a half-duplex mode.
Figure 1-2 offers an alternative architecture that can reduce BOM cost by only using one THVD8000/THVD8010 device.
In cost sensitive applications the smaller BOM is ideal. However, this architecture comes with the draw back of a more complicated layout as the driver will have to drive two paths independently of one another – so the engineering effort and design complexity does increase with this implementation with possible reduced performance.