Use the following equipment to evaluate the performance of the TLIN1028x-Q1 device:
- Power supply capable of supplying the desired supply voltage. Typical LIN applications use 12 V or 24 V, but the TLIN1028x-Q1 operates with any supply voltage from 5.5 V to 28 V. Connect this voltage across the VBAT and GND pins of either the J1 and J9 banana jacks, or pins 1 and 3 of the J6 header.
- If the LIN bus interface is to be observed on an oscilloscope, use probes capable of tolerating voltages as large as VBAT.
- The logic interface pins (TXD, RXD, and EN) may interface to a microcontroller, pattern generator, or logic analyzer with logic levels matching the VCC voltage.
- Access to LDO output can be used for testing load and thermal capabilities.