SLLU336A May 2021 – January 2022 MCT8316A
For applications that require better speed regulation, it is recommended to tune Speed loop PI controllers [SPD_LOOP_KP] and [SPD_LOOP_KI]. Kp coefficient of speed loop [SPD_LOOP_KP] controls the settling time and speed overshoots. Ki coefficient of Speed loop [SPD_LOOP_KI] controls speed overshoot and ensures regulation of speed at set value and drives the error to zero.
Step 1: Enable speed loop [SPEED_LOOP_DIS]
Step 2: Tuning speed loop Kp [SPD_LOOP_KP] and Ki [SPD_LOOP_KI] is experimental. It is recommended to manually tune Speed loop Kp and Ki till the desired results are achieved.
Refer to Section 4.1.1 to read back motor speed using DACOUTs.