SLLU340 August 2021 MCT8316A
The MCT8316A is a 4.5-V to 35-V, 8-A peak integrated three-phase gate driver IC with high speed sensorless trapezoidal control for motor drive applications. It provides three accurately trimmed and temperature compensated half-bridge MOSFETS, gate drivers, charge pump, current sense amplifier, linear regulator for the external load and adjustable buck regulator. The I2C interface variant (MCT8316A) also provides a standard I2C interface for configuring the various device settings and reading fault diagnostic information through an external controller.
The MCT8316AEVM includes an onboard FTDI chip to convert USB communication from the micro-USB connector into UART and an onboard MSP430FR2355 MCU to interface with the MCT8316A. It can also provide SPI communication for the SPI variant of the MCT8316A device. There are many user-selectable jumpers, resistors, connectors, and test points to evaluate many features of the device and configure device-specific settings.
This document serves as a startup guide to supplement the MCT8316AEVM. It is intended for engineers to design, implement, and validate reference hardware for the MCT8316A device.