SLOA339 July   2024 TAS2764 , TAS2764 , TAS2780 , TAS2780 , TAS2781 , TAS2781


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Capacitor Only Connected at the Class-D Outputs
    2. 1.2 LC Filter Connected at the Class-D Outputs
    3. 1.3 Ferrite Bead Filters
  5. 2EMI Filter Considerations
    1. 2.1 Impedance Consideration of EMI Filter
    2. 2.2 Device Reliability Constraint for High Output Voltage
    3. 2.3 EMI Filter Current Reliability
  6. 3Post Filter Feedback
  7. 4Loop Stability With Post Filter Feedback
  8. 5User Guide: EMI Filter Modeling and Post Filter Feedback Validation Tool
  9. 6Summary
  10. 7References

LC Filter Connected at the Class-D Outputs

L-C filters connected at the Class-D output are a relatively good option, since the inductor can offer high impedance at higher frequencies hence providing sufficient of EMI filtering and prevent high frequency switching currents. The downside to LC filters is the following: High price and foot print of inductor (BOM cost) and extremely high current at resonant frequency of the filter, which can cause device shutdown. The key advantage however is that LC Filters are linear, which means there is not THD+N degradation at the output of the filter (across the speaker)