SLOA339 July   2024 TAS2764 , TAS2764 , TAS2780 , TAS2780 , TAS2781 , TAS2781


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Capacitor Only Connected at the Class-D Outputs
    2. 1.2 LC Filter Connected at the Class-D Outputs
    3. 1.3 Ferrite Bead Filters
  5. 2EMI Filter Considerations
    1. 2.1 Impedance Consideration of EMI Filter
    2. 2.2 Device Reliability Constraint for High Output Voltage
    3. 2.3 EMI Filter Current Reliability
  6. 3Post Filter Feedback
  7. 4Loop Stability With Post Filter Feedback
  8. 5User Guide: EMI Filter Modeling and Post Filter Feedback Validation Tool
  9. 6Summary
  10. 7References

Loop Stability With Post Filter Feedback

Since the ferrite bead filter is now inside the class-D loop, there are extra poles added in the system, which adversely affects the stability of the loop. The user needs to take into account extra guidelines to choose the correct configuration of the filter, which can make sure that the class-D loop is stable. To find a stable configuration of the EMI filters, the equivalent model of the EMI filter needs to be drawn. The filter needs to be approximated into a second order filter as shown in Figure 1-1. Ferrite beads impedance can be divided into three main regions, for example, inductive, resistive, and capacitive. These regions can be easily determined by looking at impedance plots of ferrite bead data sheet (as shown in Figure 4-1), where Z is the impedance, X is the reactance and R is the resistance of the bead.

 Impedance Curve for
                    MPZ1608S221A Figure 4-1 Impedance Curve for MPZ1608S221A

For the region of the impedance plot where the bead appears mostly inductive (region 1 in Figure 4-1), the LEQ can be calculated by using the Equation 1, where XL = impedance of bead at frequency ‘f’. Best practice to take the impedance value at least a decade away from the peak impedance value for accurate calculations. For example, impedance shown in Figure 4-1 at 10MHz for MPZ1608S221A is 70Ω. The LEQ can be calculated as 1.11µH.

Equation 1. L E Q = X L 2 . π . f

The CPAR can be estimated in a method similar to LEQ, by looking at region where the bead appears mostly capacitive (region 2 in Figure 4-1). The CPAR can be estimated using Equation 2 where XC = impedance of the bead at frequency ‘f’. It is best to take impedance value at least a decade away from the peak impedance value for accurate calculations. For most beads the CPAR is less than 5pF and has no impact on the stability of the loop. User should do the calculations and make sure that this holds true for the bead selected for the use case. For example, impedance shown in Figure 4-1 at 1GHz for MPZ1608S221A is 150Ω. So the CPAR can be calculated as 1pF.

Equation 2. C P A R = 1 2 . π . f . X C

The RPAR can be approximated as the peak impedance of the bead. For ease of calculations, the RDC is approximated as zero here, and the entire peak impedance is estimated as RPAR. In Figure 4-1, the RPAR can be calculated as 250Ω

The total output cap (CEQ) needs to include the intentional cap added by the user for the filtering and the parasitic caps due to any other additional elements at output of the ferrite bead such as ESD diodes, board routings, and so on.

Using the model of the filter, the filter cutoff frequency and the Q-factor can be calculated using the following equations:

Equation 3. ω O =   1 2 . π . L E Q   . C E Q
Equation 4. Q = R P A R   . C E Q L E Q

Table 4-1 summarizes the stability criteria for TI’s Post filter feedback class-D amplifiers. Users need to make sure that the stability criteria for the selected filter satisfy the guidelines in Table 4-1 for proper functioning of class-D amplifier.

Table 4-1 PFFB Stability Criteria for TAS27XX Series
Cutoff Frequency Range ω0 Minimum ω0, Q
ω0 < 1.5Mhz NOT VALID
1.5Mhz < ω0 <= 2.5Mhz >7.5e5
2.5Mhz < ω0 <= 3Mhz >8.9e5
3Mhz < ω0 < = 4Mhz >7.5e5
4Mhz < ω0 <= 5Mhz >8.3e5
5Mhz < ω0 < = 10Mhz >1.5e6
10Mhz < ω0 <= 20Mhz >7.7e5
20Mhz < ω0 =< 30Mhz >1.54e6
30Mhz < ω0 <= 40Mhz >1.25e6
40Mhz < ω0 <= 50Mhz >8e5
50Mhz < ω0 <= 75Mhz >8e5
75Mhz <ω0 <= 100Mhz >7.5e5
100Mhz < ω0 <= 150Mhz >9e5
150Mhz < ω0 <= 250Mhz >1.5e6
250Mhz < ω0 <= 500Mhz >7.1e5
 2506036017Y2 impedance vs
                    frequency across DC bias currents Figure 4-2 2506036017Y2 impedance vs frequency across DC bias currents

Note that some EMI Filter data sheets provide the impedance derating profile across different dc bias currents. For example, as shown in Figure 4-2, the 2506036017Y2 data sheet provides the impedance curve of the EMI filter for different dc currents of 0A, 0.2A, 0.5A, 1A, and 2A. Hence if the Class-D is to be used in high speaker current applications up to 2A, it is required to verify the stability across each of these settings. Verify the Class-D loop stability of the amplifier in PFFB across the range of bias currents to make sure no instability at any intermediate operating point of the loop