Assert the EN pin (active high) if it was previously deasserted.
If register 0x01 already holds the desired value and the STANDBY bit is low, the user can skip this step. Select the desired MODE[2:0] value of 0 (internal trigger), 1 (external edge trigger), or 2 (external level trigger) in the MODE register (address 0x01). If the STANDBY bit was previously asserted, this bit should be deasserted (logic low) at this time.
Select the waveform index to be played and write it to address 0x04. Alternatively, a sequence of waveform indices can be written to register 0x04 through 0x0B. See the Waveform Sequencer section for details.
If using the internal trigger mode, set the GO bit (in register 0x0C) to fire the effect or sequence of effects. If using an external trigger mode, send an appropriate trigger pulse to the IN/TRIG pin. See the Waveform Triggers section for details.
If desired, the user can repeat Step 5 to fire the effect or sequence again.
Put the device in low-power mode by deasserting the EN pin or setting the STANDBY bit.